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List of Individuals Recognised as Political Prisoners by the Memorial Human Rights Centre (with the Exception of Those Persecuted in connection with the Realisation of their Right to Freedom of Religion) as of 30 October 2020

Publication date: 30.10.2020

A Muslim from St. Petersburg, convicted of involvement in the banned Takfir wal-Hijra, is a political prisoner


Shamil Fataliev and ten other Muslims from St. Petersburg have been convicted on charges of involvement in an extremist organisation. Fataliev received the longest term of seven years in a penal colony

Memorial publishes a report on political repression and political prisoners in Russia in 2018-2019


The programme for the support of political prisoners analyses the situation and outlines ways to improve it

Political Repression and Political Prisoners in Russia 2018 - 2019

Publication date: 23.10.2020

Turkmenistan: Drop Charges, Free Wrongfully Imprisoned Lawyer


Sentence Highlights Politically Motivated Persecution

Kursk resident Sergei Lavrov, convicted of justifying terrorism on VKontakte, is a political prisoner


Sergei Lavrov was sentenced to five years in a penal colony and compulsory psychiatric treatment under a ‘terrorist’ article of the Russian Criminal Code, although his entire prosecution was based on a broad interpretation of ‘justification of terrorism.’

The prosecution of Nizhny Novgorod opposition activist Mikhail Iosilevich for involvement with an ‘undesirable organisation’ is politically motivated and unlawful


Mikhail Iosilevich is being prosecuted solely because opposition events were held on a property owned by him. The journalist Irina Slavina, who was driven to suicide, was a witness in the case

Karina Tsurkan, a former senior manager at Inter RAO, is a political prisoner


Karina Tsurkan is charged with spying for Moldova, but her guilt has not been proved and the investigation has been conducted with gross violations of the law

Turkey: Turkmen Activist Faces Deportation


Dursoltan Taganova Risks Arbitrary Detention, Torture if Returned Home

How do the authorities use the article of the Russian Criminal Code on terrorist groups against political activists?


Memorial has published a report reviewing the use of Article 205.4 of the Russian Criminal Code
